Unlike ChatGPT, our AI uses website-specific knowledge for each feature. For example, it returns actual LinkedIn and Reddit profiles for the AI-powered people search. Upcoming features include AI-powered salary guidance, interview prep, and more with content from sites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and Monster.

Unlike ChatGPT, our AI uses website-specific knowledge for each feature. For example, it returns actual LinkedIn and Reddit profiles for AI-powered people search. Upcoming features include AI-powered resume ranking, live chat with candidates, and more, pulling data from sites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and Monster.

Unlike ChatGPT, our AI leverages website-specific knowledge for each feature. For example, it returns actual LinkedIn and Reddit profiles for the AI-powered people search. Upcoming features include mentorship sessions, lead generation, interview guidance, and more, using data from sites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and Monster.

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